Hudson Greens and Goods
Hudson Greens and Goods specializes in the finest, fresh, all-organic fruits and vegetables and full-service grocery plus organic juice bar. Hudson Greens and Goods works closely with neighboring farms to find the very best produce in season, and because these farms are small, they are able to personally select the most flavorful fruits and vegetables, and to have them delivered absolutely fresh to the market. Juicy Juice is the only organic juice bar in Napa. Its most popular drink, Green Jeans, is a blend of kale, romaine, parsley, celery, cucumber, apple, lemon/lime ginger and turmeric juices, perfect for quenching your thirst and boosting your vitality.
Open 8:00AM to 8:00PM, every day.
610 First Street (inside Oxbow Public Market)
Napa, CA
(707) 257-6828