Taste With The Winemaker: Laurence Ployez of Ployez-Jacquemart Champagne

Outer Space Wines welcome owner/winemaker Laurence Ployez of Ployez-Jacquemart Champagnes for a tasting of her Champagnes on Friday, October 20.

It’s the right time start thinking “Holiday Wines” as you taste and learn from Ms Ployez, 3rd-Generation winemaker for this century-old Champagne house located in the Montage de Reims.

Enjoy four wines from third generation winemaker Laurence Ployez and her wines sourced from Champagne’s Montage de Reims. With $10 removed from your tasting fee for each bottle purchased, and 10% off the wines tonight, this is a great opportunity to stock up on Champagne! Read this profile of Ployez Jacquemart from their importer.

Here’s the line-up (prices listed are before the 10% discount offered at the tasting):

Here’s the line-up:

Ployez Jacquemart Champagne Extra Quality Brut NV $55

Ployez Champagne Champagne Rose NV $70

Ployez Jacquemart Champagne “Passion” NV $70

Ployez Jacquemart Champagne Zero Dosage 2013 $85

$30/tasting, $10 off for each bottle of Ployez-Jacquemart purchased.

IT’S A POTATO CHIP NIGHT. Lightly salted potato chips included with your tasting.

Ployez-Jacquemart Champagne Tasting
Friday, October 20, 5 to 7:30 PM

at Outer Space Wines
974 Franklin Street, Downtown Napa
(707) 657-7401


October 20