Take It or Leave It at Jarvis
The Jarvis Conservatory shows Take It or Leave It (original title Võta või jäta) directed by Liina Trishkina on Saturday, Nov. 12, at 4 and 7 p.m. What would you do if one day a newborn baby was put in your hands and you were told: take it or leave it. One sleepy Saturday morning, a 30-year-old construction worker, Erik, gets some earth-shattering news: his ex girlfriend Moonika who he hasn’t even seen for the past six months is about to go into labor. She is not ready for motherhood and if Erik doesn’t want the kid, the little girl will be put up for adoption. Take It or Leave It, based on a true story, is a social drama with motifs of tragicomedy about defining gender roles and especially the role of the father in an era where family models are changing. This is a story about daredevil courage and an unconventional choice which changes the main character’s life in cardinal ways.
Tickets are $15.