Mos Hoffman and Noam Lemish Quartet at the Fink

The Amos Hoffman & Noam Lemish Quartet offers an inspired blend of jazz and Jewish folk melodies at the Fink on Wednesday, Feb. 5, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.  Amos Hoffman is an oud virtuoso and innovator and a pioneer in fusing the rhythms and melodic themes of the Middle East with modern azz. Noam Lemish is a pianist-composer and professor at York University’s Department of Music in Toronto.  Together, they create a refreshing and compelling sound. The renditions are faithful to the songs’ origins and rooted in African American and Afro-Caribbean musical traditions. The result is an uplifting celebration, texturally rich music, filled with groove, lyrical melodies and outstanding solos. There’s no cover fee.

The Fink, 530 Main St., Napa,


February 05
7:30 pm 9:30 pm