Be Bubbly: Official Caveaux for the Sabre d’Or Ceremony

he Confrérie du Sabre d’Or investment celebrates the opening of a new Caveaux in Napa at Be Bubbly Napa Valley. Proprietor Erin Riley will be invested as Maître-Sabreur, with the power to induct new sabreurs on Saturday, Oct. 7, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. The Maître-Sabreur introduces the candidate to the Art of Sabrage and inducts the candidate; the new sabreur will be presented with the Diplôme de Sabreur, as provided by the order. The newly inducted sabreur pays a fixed fee of $100, which covers the cost of the diploma and its dispatch to the recipient. There are two ticket options: French bites and glass of Champagne and ceremony, $50 Add an Art of Sabrage lesson on-site and diploma, $150.


October 07
6:00 pm 8:30 pm