*The application deadline has been extended to Friday, February 28th!
The Downtown Napa Association and the City of Napa is calling all artists and artist teams residing in Napa, Sonoma, Lake, Yolo, or Solano County to submit their qualifications for a utility box vinyl wrap project. Artists will be selected based on their past work and paid $500 to create a design that will be transferred to vinyl (by the Downtown Napa Association), and wrapped around a signal utility box located in Downtown Napa.

The mission of the Downtown Napa Association is to foster better business in downtown Napa and to promote the area as the community’s center for business, culture and entertainment. In support of that effort, the Association is funding a utility box wrap art project in downtown Napa. The Association is funding the transformation of up to 13 City of Napa boxes of varying sizes into artworks. The artworks will be sited on up to 13 selected City of Napa utility boxes throughout downtown Napa.
The Downtown Napa Association Artwork Wrap Project is consistent with the mission of the City of Napa Public Art program which supports the integration of art into the public realm through a variety of different programs created to “contribute to a more livable and visually stimulating environment.” The proposed objectives of the artworks are to:
- Create a unique experience in downtown
- Inspire businesses, residents, and visitors
- Support regional artists
APPLICATION DEADLINE (EXTENDED!): Friday, February 28, 5:00 p.m.
The selected artist/artist team must:
- live in Napa, Sonoma, Lake, Yolo, or Solano County; and
- be available to begin work immediately and complete the project by March 2020.
Criteria for selection of artist/artist teams include but are not limited to the following:
- Demonstrated successful creative, innovative, and effective approach in comparable projects.
- A proven mastery or skill in at least one artistic medium.
- Ability, evidenced by past work and experience, to create an artwork that meets the objectives described above.
The artwork selection process is as follows:
Step 1: An artist selection and design review panel (“Review Panel”) consisting of representatives from the City of Napa Public Art Steering Committee and the Downtown Napa Association, and arts professionals will be established to review artist qualifications. This Review Panel will select up to 13 artists by majority vote based on the quality of the artist’s past work.
Step 2: Selected artists will be placed under contract and paid $500 to create a conceptual design and/or select one or more of their existing artworks to be used on a utility box.
Step 3: The Review Panel will approve the conceptual design (or make design recommendations) based on a majority vote. The artwork conceptual designs are recommended by the Review Panel to the City of Napa Public Art Steering Committee for approval.
Step 4: The City of Napa Public Art Steering Committee reviews and approves the Review Panels artwork design recommendations or makes further recommendations before the Downtown Napa Association may proceed with artwork fabrication and installation.
Step 5: Artists will then be given a notice-to-proceed to create a final design.
Step 6: Final designs are fabricated and installed by the Downtown Napa Association.
RFQ deadline (extended!) – February 28, 2020
Artists selected – February 2020
Artwork designs approved by the City of Napa – March 2020
Artwork designs approved by Review Panel – March 2020
Artworks installed – April 2020
RFQ Application:
Please complete the application and mail or submit by email to the address below by the deadline of Friday, February 28, at 5:00 pm.